2025 project COMPETITION

Quad Chart Template coming soon!



The New York Consortium for Space Technology Innovation and Development (NYCST) aims to address the need for advanced defense space technology manufacturing and supply-chain capabilities by fostering collaboration among universities, research institutions, industry experts, and government agencies in New York State. This proposal opportunity endeavors to address these needs by supporting activities in infrastructure improvements, workforce development and space technology R&D.

2025 project funding


program details

  • Project proposal submission open 3/5/2025  5:00 PM EDT
  • Informational webinar 3/5/2025 12:00PM EDT
  • Step 1 Quad Charts due 3/21/2025 5:00 PM EDT
  • Step 1 down select proposers notified 4/4/2025
  • Step 2 white papers due 5/1/2025
  • Step 2 project pitches (day before symposium) 5/8/2025
  • Step 2 Selections announced at symposium 5/9/2025
  • Signed MOU/MOAs Due to NYCST 7/1/2025
  • Project Start Date: 7/1/2025 – 9/1/2025

Meghan Serdock
109 Ward Lab, Ithaca NY 14853
(607) 255-2710

Proposals will undergo a two-step evaluation process designed to streamline project selection and funding:

Step 1 Initial Screening: This step is open to all members of the NYCST. The primary goal is to identify proposals that closely align with the NYCST mission and project objectives.

Step 2 Full Proposal and Project Pitch: Only those whose proposals pass the initial screening in Step 1 will be invited to participate in this final step. Each selected proposer will be asked to provide a more detailed plan for the proposed project, including a written description in the form of a white paper and a concise pitch to the selection committee.

  • Period of Performance: 3 – 9 months
  • Expected Award: $0 – $100,000 funding direct to the proposing organization
  • Access to NYCST resources (facilities and staff)
  • Facilitated access consultation for CCMR and CHESS facilities.
  • Expected number of awards: 5 – 10

For Step 1, proposers must complete the Quad Chart template and email it to the Solicitation Point of Contact. An NYCST representative will then reach out to discuss any additional information needed and will provide instructions for Step 2 (if selected).

The initial screening requires submission of a single page Quad Chart that succinctly summarizes the project proposal. The Quad Chart is a vital tool that allows NYCST’s selection committee to quickly grasp the essence, potential impact, and feasibility of your project. Submissions that align with NYCST program mission and priorities may be invited to proceed to Step 2 of the proposal process. The following guidelines and Quad Chart Template are all that is required to complete a submission. The Quad Chart must be submitted as a single-page PDF document in landscape Format. Submit the Quad Chart as a single PDF by the date shown on the first page of this document.

Download the Quad Chart Template

Step 2 of the proposal process builds upon the initial screening, requiring proposers to provide explicit detail. This step consists of two activities: 1) Submission of a white paper and a pitch deck; 2) a project pitch (in-person or virtual presentation).

Download Program Instructions for Complete Details

  • Relevance to national priorities in space technology (30%)
  • Prospects for advancing the region’s capabilities for DoD-relevant space manufacturing (30%)
  • Cost Realism (40%)